
照镜子英文可不是look at the mirror,那到底怎么说才地道?

大家都知道,“mirror”的意思是镜子,“look at”是看的意思,但是“look at the mirror”的意思绝对不是照镜子,而是看着镜子本身,并不是看镜中的自己,大家可千万要分清,不要说错了。照镜子”其实就是看镜子里的自己,...

强化学习3-数据效率?强化学习新视角Collect&Infer-a fresh look at data-efficient Reinforcement ...

A formal look at Collect and Infer 考虑标准版的强化学习模型,一个由策略 \pi(a|s)控制的智能体(agent)在环境($\mathcal{E}$`)中进行交互。环境 \mathcal{E} 由状态(s \in \mathcal{S}),动作(a \in \mathcal{A}),状态转移...

女爱豆们的〈Look at me〉challenge!可爱的女宝宝们啊啊

女爱豆们的〈Look at me〉challenge!可爱的女宝宝们啊啊#twice#金玟庭#.

“照镜子”真的不是 look at mirror,正确的说法是…the_in_Look

mirror作名词的意思是镜子和写照,look at是看的意思,但是look at mirror的意思绝对不是照镜子,而是 看着镜子,并不是看镜中的自己,大家可千万要分清,不要说错了。既然look

“看这里”英语怎么说?look here?look at here?都不对!You

叫人“看这里”张嘴就说look here!比如:Look at the box here!看这个盒子~就得多问问"你怎么看"蓝鹅,"你怎么看"和look没关系!你怎么看"英…

look atlook forward to-

look at=动词+介词 look forward to=动词+副词+介词 类似这样组合使用的短语动词在英语中是非常普遍的。动词之所以要与副词、介词等结合使用是因为自身意思表达的局限性。而通过这种方式结合动词丰富性的表达能力就能得到加强...



双语美文|《Look at me》I've_you_

Look at me》 看着我 Look at me 看着我 I would bet my life like I bet my heart 我愿用一生做赌注,就像我已赌上了我的心 That you were the one baby 亲爱的,你是我的唯一 I've never been so sure of anything before ...

英语作文|Take a Look At the World 看看世界_cell_phone

Take a Look At the World 看看世界 Nowadays,and People use cell phone,if we take a notice,we can find no matter where they are,people always low down their heads,they are looking at their cell phone ...

Look at your back-

sense of proportion"is the courtesy of not embarrassing others.It is not to deliberately put yourself above others due to the disparity of status,and to give others a comfortable and pressure-free environment....