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雅思口语Part 2高分素材-一次没怎么花钱的外出(含音频)今日头条

爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat” 今天分享一个常见的雅思口语话题,并附上高分素材。Describe a ...

AMD Threadripper PRO 3975WX+SuperMicro M12SWA-TF主板评测(part 2)

基本系统 要注意的另一件事是,该产品应该用于BMC远程访问,因此内置的AST2600视频输出默认情况下处于打开状态,并被选为主要输出。因此,即使安装了显卡,也不会从显卡输出视频信号,而是从主板背面的BMC的VGA输出视频信号。...

(自存)【麻省理工语言学导论2022】1 Morphology形态学,Part-

Morphology(part1) 一.火星语考察 X!oo(一个受欢迎的火星名字) X!oo Kuulduud bii X!oo is a linguist 提问:这句火星语中哪一个词表示“linguist”?你怎么说“X!oo is a physicist”?X!oo Kuulduud bii X!oo linguist is X!...

2022年9月雅思口语新题part2-购物囧事 7分示范-知乎

Well,speaking of a problem I had when shopping online,I do have a memorable experience related to that.And that item is not normal actually.Or maybe I shouldn’t call that‘item’.Yeah,cuz I have bought a cat ...

雅思口语Part 2:YouTube,一个万能网站!visit_many_often

The great thing about YouTube is that it grew from being just a collection of silly cat videos and short clips into a genuine platform for excellent content.There are some YouTubers who produce videos that are ...

lex fridman Michael Stevens访谈(中英双语)part1-

I'm not even,I can't prove that there's a cat there.All I am experiencing is the perception of a cat inside my own brain.I am only a witness to the events of my mind.I think it is very useful to infer that if I...

【原神·刻晴·纯爱·桃文】Part.4 定下这染着火花的约定,然后等待明日放晴。

图片ID=85790776,画师蕉cat “唔…” 约摸着一两个小时后,只感到自周围一股暖意传来,旅行者迷迷糊糊地睁开了眼睛。依稀之间,可以发现这是一处密林之内,四周尽是高耸的枝木,围绕住中间这片小小的空地,自己正靠在一处树上...

《重返未来:1999》衣帽架 中英文案(Chapter 4 Part 3)

C:She’s gotten quite a shock,that little pale face,like a streessed cat,she’s in dire need the comfort from a friend. 她吓得不轻,脸色发白,如同一只应激的野猫,渴望同伴的安慰。Z:What do you want me to do?你...


and anyone who ever played a part They wouldn't turn around and hate it Sweet Jane,Sweet Sweet Jane 2.甜蜜的简 站在角落 手里拿着提箱 杰克穿着女式胸衣,简穿着男装背心 我呢,我有个摇滚乐队,哈 坐在斯图兹BearCat...

忒紧张,没话讲,我的雅思口语Part 3是不是完了?

雅思口语Part 3的7大类型 7 Common Question Types Part 3到底在考察什么能力?来看看官方的描述: These questions are meant to test your ability in certain speaking functions.Be aware that the examiner is NOT too ...